© 2019 Lois Winston

Four Uncles and a Wedding
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“Quirky, but lovable, characters placed in out-of-the- ordinary circumstances are a winning formula for an unbridled romp that will keep you in stitches and eager for more. A great, fun read!” – Amazon Reviewer
Polly Faith Harmony is the ultimate ecumenical love child. Born to former hippies turned millionaire entrepreneurs, she’s one part Jewish, one part Catholic, one part Episcopalian, and one part Unitarian–hence her name. Could have been worse. Her flower power parents might have named her Polly Esther.
Aside from her joke of a name, her great-uncles, one from each side of the family, are all members of the clergy, not to mention golfing buddies and best friends. To keep harmony in the Harmony household, Polly has grown up alternately attending all four houses of worship.
When Polly’s feminist mother decides it’s about time Polly settle down and start providing her with grandchildren before her biological clock runs out, she enlists the uncles’ help. Polly and her friend Joni have penned the Top 10 Reasons to Call it Quits After the First Date, but Polly soon finds that thanks to her interfering relatives, the list is growing at an alarming rate. Worse yet, she learns that loving relatives on a mission rarely play fair.